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Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Calgary Code Camp Announcement!

I went to the Toronto Code Camp and it was really good. I recommend if you are a serious .NET developer that you go and take part and possibly present. Its free so the price could not be better. You can connect with other developers, and learn what others are doing in the field. Below is the actual event posting:

Announcing the second annual Calgary Code Camp! In case you weren't there last year, you might be wondering, "What is a Code Camp?" Simply put, a Code Camp is a developer event by and for the developer community. You get a full day of developer-focused content created by fellow developers. You'll see code, code, and more code. The sessions will cover a wide variety of topics, including .NET, ASP.NET, Windows Forms, MonoRail, TDD, NHibernate, Castle Windsor, WCF, Mono, Software Factories, XNA, CAB, mock objects, continuous integration, and much more.

The price for the event is the same as last year - COMPLETELY FREE! A full day of code and fun with cool door prizes for absolutely nothing.

Date/Time: Saturday, April 28, 2007 from 8:00am - 5:30pm

Location: MacEwan Conference Centre (University of Calgary)


If you are interested in attending this event, sign-up now at

I am here in Toronto so I will not see you there so I hope you will email the Guild and tell us what you thought.

Please pass this on to all the C# developers you know. For more information please email me at

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