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Friday, October 24, 2008

Mole - debug visualizer for visual studio

Take a peek at this replacement debug visualizer for visual studio... the new version allows updating values during debug. I've been using it for a few days and it's got great drill down for collections and datasets.

If you have any tips, tricks, resources, etc that you think other C# Guild Members would benefit from please email them to and I will update this blog.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

How To Create a Guid in C#?

I noticed people searching for how to create a guid in C#. The quick answer is


If you would like more information on what a guid is. The following article will help you out:

If you have any tips, tricks, resources you may find useful to the group please email Susan Fischer at

top 10 c# sites

As Requested here are the Top 10 C# Sites

  1. Scott Gu's blog - Why not get it right from the guy developing it?

  2. 4 guys from rolla

  3. ASP Alliance

  4. msdn

  5. devx

  6. MSDN Blog

  7. code project

  8. Geeks with blogs

  9. Ode To Code

  10. and forums

Bonus Entries: Because everyone knows there are more than ten